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Freshman Schools of Success

Starting in the 2024-25 school year freshman in FWCS will begin their high school careers in the Freshman Schools of Success following the 3DE model. This innovative education initiative connects core academic learning with real businesses to develop collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, critical and analytical thinking, cultural agility and self-direction skills. Through the Freshman Seminar course, students will learn more about their interests and talents to develop the confidence to choose the School of Success and pathway in which they will study.

What is different about this program?

In partnership with Junior Achievement of Northeast Indiana, FWCS launched 3DE at North Side and Snider high schools in 2022. The Freshman Schools of Success will follow the 3DE model at all five FWCS high schools starting in 2024. 3DE integrates core academics with real world business challenges to engage students and allow them to explore local career opportunities. Under the Junior Achievement umbrella, a network of local, regional and national businesses collaborate with students to bring learning to life. Schools using the 3DE model have shown higher graduation rates, improved attendance and increased student engagement.

What can students expect their first year?

Entering high school can be intimidating as students move to a larger learning environment knowing they are just four years away from graduation. The goal of the Freshman Schools of Success is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to make confident decisions about their future. All ninth grade students will participate in the Freshman Seminar, which incorporates a Principles of Business course. 

What was wrong with how we structured high school before?

The changes FWCS is making are not so much about what was wrong, but how can we make the high school experience better. FWCS has long offered college prep and career-based programs. The Schools of Success are designed to give all students the experiences they need to be successful in life after high school, whether they enroll in college, enlist in the military or enter the workforce as an employee or entrepreneur. Throughout high school, they will meet and work with business and community leaders to explore career opportunities in northeast Indiana and beyond.

Are all pathways available at all schools?

There will be options from every School of Success at every school, but schools have different pathways available.

Please visit our Pathways page to learn more about the pathways available at our schools.