Schools of Success
At Fort Wayne Community Schools, we are committed to transforming education to ensure students are ready for life after graduation, whether they enroll in higher education, enlist in the military or enter the workforce as an employee or entrepreneur. Through our Schools of Success, students will have experiences connecting their core academic studies with real world relevancy. From the moment students enter FWCS, they will see themselves in the Portrait of an Explorer (elementary), Portrait of a Connector (middle school) and Portrait of a Graduate (high school). FWCS launches the Freshman Schools of Success at each of the district’s high schools in the fall of 2024.
9th grade students will begin their high school careers in the Freshman School of Success
following the 3DE model. This innovative education initiative connects core academic learning with real businesses to develop the following skills: collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, critical and analytical thinking, cultural agility and self-direction. Through the Freshman Seminar course, students will learn more about their interests and skills so they have the confidence to choose the School of Success and pathway in which they will study.
Starting in 10th grade, students will be scheduled within their School of Success for core classes that are aligned with their chosen pathway. Students will also be able to continue to choose electives outside of their pathway, such as arts or world languages. The chosen pathway will be integrated into core classes to provide real world relevancy to the required academic standards and establish amore engaging learning environment.
YEAR 3 & 4
In 11th and 12th grades, students will continue taking core classes and classes specific
to their chosen pathway in their
School of Success. The courses will become more advanced with
options for dual credit, Advanced Placement courses and internships. Depending on the pathway selected, students may take courses on-campus
at their home high school or
off-campus at Amp Lab or the FWCS Career Academy.
Schools of Success FAQ
- What are the Schools of Success?
- What is a Pathway?
- What Pathways are offered in each School of Success?
- How does a student decide on a School of Success and Pathway?
- What do Schools of Success offer?
- If a student wants to choose a Pathway at a school other than their assigned school, what is the process?
- If my child is awarded a placement at a high school other than their assigned school, will transportation be available?
- I am on track to go to college. Why do I need career-focused learning opportunities?
- Can a student change Schools of Success at any time?
- How do I get more information about the Schools of Success?
- How will the Schools of Success affect students who want to take art or world language classes?
- How will the Early College programs be affected by the Schools of Success?
- Will the class schedules change?
- Will students have more homework?
- How will English Language Learners services be integrated into the Schools of Success?
- How do students with significant disabilities or applied skills fit into the Schools of Success?
- What are the Portrait of a Graduate expectations for pre-K students?