Feeder Schools
The schools your student attends are based on your home address. The address lookup tool is the best way to find out the schools associated with your home address. On this page you will also find the district maps that show school assignments in a map format and we feature more details about the feeder patterns in the charts below.
Northrop Family Feeder Pattern
1 Some may return to North Side for High School
2 Return to South Side for High School
Price goes to Northwood MS, but some may return to Northrop for High School
North Side Family Feeder Pattern
1 Some may return to Northrop for High School
Holland goes to Jefferson MS, but some may return to North Side for High School
South Side Family Feeder Pattern
Abbett goes to Lane MS, but returns to South Side for High School
Fairfield (65%) goes to Shawnee MS, but returns to South Side for High School
South Wayne(65%) goes to Portage MS, but returns to South Side for High School
Snider Family Feeder Pattern
2 Return to South Side for High School
Wayne Family Feeder Pattern
2 Return to South Side for High School