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Study Connection

Study Connection volunteers with students at Washington Elemntary

What is Study Connection?

Study Connection is an award winning tutoring program of Fort Wayne Community Schools. Individuals are matched one-to-one with students who have been identified by their teachers as needing extra academic assistance. Pairs meet for one hour once a week during the school year. Students and tutors meet in a variety of places, including local businesses, places of higher education, churches and local elementary schools. At the end of the hour, students return to their schools for dismissal, or are dismissed by an FWCS employee if tutoring takes place in a local school.

The program was founded in 1989 by former CEO and President of Do it Best, Don Wolf. The program was piloted for three years in the FWCS District at the end of which time it became institutionalized. Study Connection has garnered national acclaim as a high successful education/community partnership.

Help instill in a child the confidence and self-esteem that lasts a lifetime, and write a new chapter in the remarkable on-going story of Study Connection. Contact Us to learn how you and your business/church can become a study site.

85% of Study Connection Students improve their grades from the 1st quarter to the 4th

How can I help Study Connection?


As a volunteer, your time commitment is only one hour once a week during the school year. If you are unable to give one hour a week, we would encourage you to find a co-worker or friend or who be willing to share a student. As buddies, the two of you take turns meeting with your student.

Individuals do not need any special skills to become a Study Connection volunteer, but we are looking for people with a desire to provide a student with a positive role model. Traits of a good volunteer include patience, understanding, dependability, flexibility and discretion. As a volunteer you may be asked to help with basic math and reading, spelling, writing, and organization skills.

As a volunteer tutor, you may be asked to help a student with the following:

  • Reading
  • Math
  • Spelling
  • Writing
  • Study Skills
  • Organization Skills
  • Develop positive attitudes about learning and school

All volunteers must successfully complete the volunteer application process prior to being matched with a student.

Volunteer Form


We are appreciative of any gifts big or small, which are used to help support student/tutor matches throughout the school year. You can donate by contacting us through Let's Talk

Another opportunity to help Study Connection is through the Kroger Community Rewards Program using your Kroger Plus card. Study Connection is participating in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. We receive funds from Kroger based on the amount our registered participants spend at Kroger stores using their Kroger Plus card. All you need to do is register your Plus Card account online, designate Study Connection as your organization of choice, and then use your Plus card every time you shop. It’s that simple! Register online at Kroger Community Rewards.

Study Connection volunteer reading to a class at Washington Elementary

Did you know volunteering with Study Connection can benefit you?

  • It’s a way to help you connect with your community.
  • It provides you with a sense of achievement.
  • It sends a signal to your family, friends, and co-workers that you have achieved a healthy life-work balance.
  • You have an opportunity to meet new people.
  • You can ’payback’ what was given to you by other caring individuals throughout your life.
  • You can change a life.
Award Winner from 2023 Study Connection Breakfast

Study Connection's Roles and Responsibilities

  • We screen all volunteers.
  • We match your site with a school who will identify the students for the program.
  • We provide transportation for students to and from your site, if you qualify for this service.
  • We provide an orientation prior to the first meeting with students and additional training throughout the year, as needed.
  • We provide a study cart full of materials such as books, educational activities, pencils, paper and flashcards.
  • We provide students with holiday gifts. We ask for volunteers’ time not their money.
  • We coordinate a year-end celebration for tutors and volunteers.
  • We provide you continuing support and guidance throughout the school year. We are here to serve you and make your Study Connection experience positive and productive.

Study Site’s Roles and Responsibilities

  • You provide a safe environment for study time such as a conference room or cafeteria.
  • You secure volunteers who will work one-to-one with a child for one hour once a week during the school year.
  • You assign one volunteer the duties of site director. This is a person who will be Study Connection’s key contact person and will coordinate the weekly study sessions at your site.

A Team Effort

Ensuring that today’s students are ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow takes more than a school system with hard-working, dedicated staff, innovative programs and a strong curriculum. It takes the support of many people in the community. FWCS is fortunate to have the support of local businesses, churches and agencies that are partners with our schools. Study Connection thanks the following who are helping to make a difference:

Community Partners