Nutrition Services - Prices Payment
FWCS Nutrition Services provides meals at no cost to students!
Community Eligibility
- All students in Fort Wayne Community Schools receive meals at no cost to families.
- While students do not pay for meals, they do have to pay for a la carte, a second milk, or milk for home-packed meal. All Smart Snack (a la carte) purchases in the middle and high schools require payment at the point of sale.
- Students can continue to use their prepaid meal account or pay at the time of purchase.
- Parents/guardians will continue to be notified of low and negative balances in their student’s accounts.
Lunch Prices
FWCS meals served as part of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs are offered to students free of charge:
- Elementary, Middle, & High School Breakfast: No Charge
- Elementary, Middle, & High School Lunch: No Charge
- A la Carte Milk: $.50
- Adult Lunch: $5.00
Charge Policies
- Charges for a’ la carte purchases are not permitted.
- No charges are allowed. Cafeteria Managers will instruct students to borrow money from a friend or call his/her parent or guardian requesting money.
All unpaid charges at the end of the school year will remain on the student’s account the next year - it is the parent’s responsibility to pay these charges.
Online Payment
You can pay for your students’ a la carte items online.
- Access Online Payments by clicking the link.
- Things to know:
- From this site you will create your account and add money to your child’s school meal account. All you need is your child’s name, student ID number, and school ZIP code.
- If you have more than one child in the District you can handle all online prepayments from the same online account.
- Payments may be made through an existing PayPal account or with a major credit or debit card.
- In order to cover the bank costs associated with the online prepayment service, Titan charges a convenience fee of $1.95 per transaction. Parents placing money into multiple meal accounts will only be assessed the $1.95 fee once per deposit transaction.
Other Payment Options
In addition to the Online Payments system, Nutrition Services accepts cash and check as payment options for a la carte. We encourage students to put money on account at the beginning of the school year. Parents may specify how money on account is used for a la carte items.
Free and Reduced Applications
Apply Now for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) is currently accepting applications for the Free and Reduced Benefits program for the upcoming school year. While all students benefit from free breakfast and lunch through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), submitting a Free and Reduced meal application can provide additional advantages.
Why Apply?
- Enhanced Benefits for Students and Families:
- Discounted Fees: Access reduced fees for a variety of school and home programs.
- Additional Funding: The number of approved applications directly impacts the amount of grant money and funding the District receives. This funding is crucial for enhancing educational resources and programs.
- Support Your School and Community:
- Increased Resources: More approved applications mean more resources for your child’s school.
- Community Development: Contribute to the overall development and improvement of the District.
Application Assistance:
Parents are welcome to visit Student Services at the Grile Administrative Center, 1200 S. Clinton St., or the FWCS Nutrition Services Center, 3211 Ludwig Road, for computer access and application support.
For further instructions on filing an application or inquiries about eligibility, please call FWCS Nutrition Services at 260.467.2055.
By applying, you help our District secure the necessary funding and resources to provide an exceptional educational experience for all students. Thank you for your support and participation!