Nursing Staff
"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."
George Washington Carver
Health and Wellness Services Director: Mary Hess R.N.
Wellness Coordinator: Gina Dundon R.N.
School Nurse Coordinator: Candis Deisler R.N.
Health & Wellness Services Secretary: Heather Lyons L.P.N.
FACE Nursing Staff
Nurse Coordinator at FACE: Natalie McLaughlin R.N.
April Didion R.N.
Amy Moord R.N.
Duties of the School Nurse
- Manage chronic health conditions
- Shorten illness-related absences
- Lessen the number of students sent home needlessly
- Provide interventions to return students to class
- Promote inclusion related to health needs
- Offer ongoing health education
- Inspect the school’s physical environment
- Teach and use universal precautions
- Support a non-violent, drug-free environment
- Provide vision and dental screening
- Identify health-related barriers and refer for care
- Support nutritional, comfort, and clothing needs