School Aged Students
Your child is unique and deserves the best possible start. Most children are excited on the first day of school each year. They may be anxious about meeting new friends, teachers and staff. Parents can offer support by talking with the child, listening to the child’s concerns and reinforcing the positive aspects of starting school.
Parents need to be involved in the school experience of the child from the very beginning. All children are different and unlock their "boxes of learning" at different times. Encourage, praise, love and listen.
A healthy child is ready and willing to learn. Staying healthy is something to be learned so education and health are intertwined.
Prevention is the one most important aspect of physical and mental health practices today. Serving as an example, the parent can display the proper skills necessary to maintain that state of well being. While demonstrating clear-cut, regular routines that address such things as hand washing, dental health, exercise, nutrition, discipline and sleep, the parent can instill life long positive health habits in the child.
Keeping Your Child Home
Children should be kept at home if they have the following: fevers above 100°, vomiting and/or diarrhea, rash with fever, eye infections with eye discharge, communicable diseases (scabies, impetigo, ringworm, head lice~ until treated appropriately), any illness that prevents the child from participating comfortably in program activities or disrupts the other students39; participation, and illness that results in a need for care that is greater than the staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.
Note: It is recommended that children be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of anti-fever medications (Tylenol®, ibuprofen, etc.) before returning to school.
Health Office Memorandum to Parents
Keeping the school and the nurse informed about changes in residence, telephone numbers (work and home), and emergency contacts is vital and the responsibility of the parent/guardian. We must be able to contact a parent/guardian or emergency contact during the school day. In case of an emergency involving your child, it is the policy of this school corporation to render first aid treatment while contacting the parents for further instructions. Only after reasonable efforts to reach the parents without success will we call a doctor and only in extreme cases will your child be taken to a hospital of 911 contacted.
Health Problems
It is important to notify the school nurse if your child has any health conditions that may impact the school day. Depending on the health problem (asthma, seizures, diabetes etc.), the school nurse will ask you for further information. You may be asked to complete specific health history and/or health problem care plans. It is very important to return this information in a timely fashion. Your health provider’s signature may be required on these health problems. Keeping your school nurse informed and your child’s health care needs will provide a healthful learning atmosphere.
Medication and Treatment Procedures
From time to time your child may be required to take medication during school hours. Parents, nurses and physicians are aware of the challenges that sometime occur when trying to balance learning, activities, and medications. For this reason, we request that you discuss strategies with your health care provider in order to give medications at home whenever possible. All prescription and/or over-the-counter medications must have signed Authorization for Administration of Medications at School forms on file prior to administration. Over-the-counter medications such as cough drops, nasal sprays, cough and cold medications must meet the same requirements as for other medications. In addition to the required form, herbal supplements are considered as medications and need written instructions signed by a physician prior to administration. (INTERNAL LINK Permit/Forms)
Medical Assistance
Health information can be accessed through your family health care provider or at a variety of other community resources. Information on children’s health and growth and development may be obtained at KidsHealth. Many children may qualify for a state medical insurance coverage program called Hoosier Healthwise. To find out about the plan and if your child may qualify visit the Family and Social Services Administration.
Communication is the key to keeping your child safe at school. Call your child’s school and establish a connection with the school nurse. Some nurses serve more than one school so their schedules may vary. You may talk with your school nurse during school hours (7:30AM-3:30PM or 8:00AM-4PM).
Sports Health Information
A student participating in athletics must have a physical every year prior to try outs and practice. Some physicals are offered by the individual schools. Check with the athletic office or your school nurse for the Sports Physical Participation form and the scheduled dates.
Medication and Treatment Procedures
From time to time your child may be required to take medication during school hours. Parents, nurses and physicians are aware of the challenges that sometime occur when trying to balance learning, activities, and medications. For this reason, we request that you discuss strategies with your health care provider in order to give medications at home whenever possible. All prescription and/or over-the-counter medications must have signed Authorization for Administration of Medications at School forms on file prior to administration. Over-the-counter medications such as cough drops, nasal sprays, cough and cold medications must meet the same requirements as for other medications. In addition to the required form, herbal supplements are considered as medications and need written instructions signed by a physician prior to administration. (INTERNAL LINK Permit/Forms)
Medical Assistance
Health information can be accessed through your family health care provider or at a variety of other community resources. Information on children’s health and growth and development may be obtained at KidsHealth. Many children may qualify for a state medical insurance coverage program called Hoosier Healthwise. To find out about the plan and if your child may qualify visit the Family and Social Services Administration.
Important Information about Concussions
Concussions are common injuries for students participating in sports. In order to prevent serious health consequences in the future, medical professionals now have new guidelines for the treatment of athletes that suffer head injuries and concussions. All student athletes and their parents are required to read information about concussions and sign a verification form that says they read this material before they may begin to practice for a sport. Further, coaches and trainers are required to remove students from participation in practice or competition as soon as a concussion is suspected. Students may not return to activity without written authorization from a licensed health care provider trained to evaluate head injuries. You can find parent and student concussion information and verification forms and health care provider return to play forms here.
Fact Sheet for Athletes Fact Sheet for Parents SCA Acknowledgement Form
MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in Athletics
Transmission of MRSA among sports participants is a concern. Possible risk factors for infection include close physical contact, skin damage, and sharing of equipment or clothing. The risk for transmission of MRSA is much greater among sports participants than among students in a classroom. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published the following guidance for preventing staphylococcal skin infections in the sports setting:
- Cover all wounds. If a wound cannot be covered adequately, consider excluding players with potentially infectious skin lesions from practice or competitions until the lesions are healed or can be covered adequately.
- Encourage good hygiene, including showering and washing with soap after all practices and competitions.
- Ensure availability of adequate soap and hot water.
- Discourage sharing of towels and personal items, such as clothing or equipment.
- Encourage athletes to report skin lesions to coaches and encourage coaches to assess athletes regularly for skin infections.
Immunization News
All student who attend Indiana public schools must meet minimum immunization requirements according to Indiana Code (IC 20-34-4-5). School nurses must monitor student immunizations at all grade levels, but most parents can expect schools to request updated shot records when students are new to the district and then in kindergarten, 6th and 12th grade when additional shots are required. Please review the list of required and recommended shot for your child’s grade level here. ( inset a link to the attached documents) If you have questions about immunization rules or you need to request an exemption for the requirements, please contact your school nurse.
Fort Wayne Community Schools is committed to helping you keep your child healthy and safe at school. We offer a variety of options to obtain immunizations in addition to your own healthcare provider. FACE Health Services: 230 E Douglas Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 (located in the FWCS Family and Community Engagement Center) Open weekdays from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. For immunizations, please call 260.467.7260 to schedule an appointment. Please bring your child’s shot records to the appointment.
Pre-K and Kindergarten Introduction
New starts are always exciting. Health Services and your School Nurses are available to answer questions.
Coming to school well rested, clean and neat appears to provide a better beginning for students. As children grow there is a need for 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.
Usually elementary school children will need parent help or supervision with bathing, shampooing, hand washing, teeth brushing, blowing noses and appropriate clothing choices for weather changes. Teaching these things will help build self-confidence. Good hygiene and clean clothing is important to develop positive self-esteem.
If you have concerns about anything...... contact your school nurse.
Other community resources for immunization:
Allen County Health Department 260.449.7533
A young child’s needs are many, but simple.
- Children need exercise. They benefit from more playtime and less play station, internet and television time.
- Children require regular sleep, 8-10 hours a night, from preschool through their teen years.
- Children need routine dental care. Delayed dental care may cause infections, discomfort, inability to process food correctly, speech difficulties and long-term social problems.
- A healthy child will require healthful nutrition. Furnish more milk and water, less sugary drinks. Prevention of obesity will guard against chronic health problems; type II diabetes, heart disease and stroke, certain cancers, stress on bones and joints and depression.
- Regular hand washing is proven to be the best protection against disease. Instruct your child in the proper technique and timing of hand washing.
- Prevention is the cornerstone of a healthful lifestyle. Immunizations play a very important role.
Be a positive role model for your child. Character is built one block at a time. Involve the family and friends. Make your beliefs known to your child. Ask your child about his/her own beliefs. Know what is important to your child. Demonstrate respect for others, compassion to those with less and a willingness to give of oneself.
Important forms - entering school for the first time:
It is important that children enter school healthy and ready to learn. Good health plays an important role in school success. We invite all students new to FWCS to visit the Health Clinic at FACE. The nurses at FACE can make sure we are meeting the health needs of your student starting the first day they attend school. We can do vision and hearing screening, review medical conditions and provide required and recommended immunizations. Please call 260-467-7260 to make an appointment. There is no cost to you for these services. Therefore, we also ask that students have following:
Examination before entering school for the first time. It is also important to obtain and complete the following from your health care provider.
Elementary Introduction
A young child’s needs are many, but simple.
- Children need exercise. They benefit from more playtime and less play station, internet and television time.
- Children require regular sleep, 8-10 hours a night, from preschool through their teen years.
- Children need routine dental care. Delayed dental care may cause infections, discomfort, inability to process food correctly, speech difficulties and long-term social problems.
- A healthy child will require healthful nutrition. Furnish more milk and water, less sugary drinks. Prevention of obesity will guard against chronic health problems; type II diabetes, heart disease and stroke, certain cancers, stress on bones and joints and depression.
- Regular hand washing is proven to be the best protection against disease. Instruct your child in the proper technique and timing of hand washing.
- Prevention is the cornerstone of a healthful lifestyle. Immunizations play a very important role.
Be a positive role model for your child. Character is built one block at a time. Involve the family and friends. Make your beliefs known to your child. Ask your child about his/her own beliefs. Know what is important to your child. Demonstrate respect for others, compassion to those with less and a willingness to give of oneself.
Play with your child.... have a good time together. Laugh at each other’s mistakes and learn from them. Limit media (television, advertising and internet) exposure. Bedtime is a great time to spend twenty minutes or so reading with your child. Include health topics in those reading choices. Empower your child to educate others about healthful habits.
School nurses are advocates for children and parents. They expect your questions. They evaluate physical and mental concerns, and provide guidance when requested. Please feel free to contact your school nurse.
Middle School Introduction
Middle school is a period of transition. During this time of great changes in growth and development, the adolescent is developing strategies to become self-sufficient and independent.
The adolescent may have sought out adults for information but now collect ideas from many different sources. Friends and peers become a large part of their lives and approval becomes a major goal.
Middle school is a pivotal age for health teaching. Choices made during this time can have lifelong consequences. School nurses can evaluate children with acute and chronic problems and supply parents with information addressing both the physical and emotional needs of the adolescent. Prolonged changes in your adolescent’s behavior (for more than a few days), may signal problems that need to be addressed. These may be symptoms of something happening at school or in the adolescent’s private life. Parents are encouraged to contact the school nurse with any health concerns or situations that may effect the adolescent’s ability to learn.
The process of maturing is hard work and a challenge. Parental support is essential. Working through this time and in the upcoming years requires cooperation between the parent and the adolescent. Commit to listening carefully and talking with your adolescent. Offer guidance and emphasize positive choices related to healthful nutrition, sleep, exercise, risk taking and relationships. Monitor activities with your adolescent’s friends and close relationships. Adolescents do not automatically develop good character. Now is the time to reinforce family values that address and discourage destructive behaviors; violence, dishonesty, drug abuse, unsupervised body art/piercing, unsupervised internet relationships, and sexual promiscuity. Send a clear message about trust, respect, honesty and self control in developing relationships between boys and girls.
If you have questions or concerns about any of these issues, the school nurse would welcome an opportunity to listen and help.
High School Introduction
High School is an exciting and interesting time in growth and development. Never is a healthy lifestyle and healthy habits more important for growth and development than in high school years.
On this page we endeavor to provide some tips for parents and students to facilitate good health. Our school nurses are always available for consultation - if you have a question not answered here, please ask.
High school years (14-19) can be a turbulent time for both teens and their parents. Growth and developmental changes are taking place. Teens undergo physical and sexual maturity.
Mentally, teens focus on the present and still have difficulty understanding long-term consequences of behavior. They are developing abstract thought and logic and become introspective as they develop their own set of values.
Socially/emotionally teens seek relationships with the opposite sex and their friends. They are exceedingly concerned with their physical appearance. Teens may experiment with body art and body piercing. Appetite varies as a result of the teen’s growth rate. Food fads are common. Peer approval may dictate eating patterns and extremes in dietary intake and/or restrictions. Malnutrition or obesity may develop
While teens long for independence, they still desire dependence. Teens are on their way to developing their own identity and while doing so may challenge their parents or other authorities.
As the circle of acquaintances and friends expands, teens encounter new individuals with a variety of ideals and standards. Entertainment media supplies a continuous source of visual and written stimulation. It is imperative that parents reserve uninterrupted time to maintain a dialogue with their teen. Listening is a major part of communication.
Teens respond well to a parent’s concern and seek guidance regarding underage drinking, drug /tobacco use, and sexual activity. Again, support and encourage your teen to avoid experimenting with these activities throughout their high school years. Research finds that children who avoid using alcohol and tobacco until their twenties can also avoid addiction to those substances. Those who abstain from sexual activity avoid sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy that will shape their futures. Given the chance, teens will respond positively to expectations of abstinence. Let your values be known.
Know your teens: who are their friends, where do they spend their time, what are they reading, what are they watching, who is giving them advice, what are their values and goals. An active teen with good friends and involved adult guidance can fill their high school years with many great memories and be prepared for a healthful future.
Contact the school nurse if your teen develops health concerns. Educational time can be lost or compromised if emotional or physical concerns are not addressed. Many times these concerns can be resolved once the reason is determined. Monitor grades and attendance. Changes, subtle or abrupt, in behavior that last more than a few days may be the only "symptom" you see.
Parents and their teens can benefit from the school nurses’ resources. Take advantage of them; the sooner the better.